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Memorial Day Cornhole Tournament
Sign up for the First Ever Sungate Cornhole Tournament! Be one of the first 8 teams to play in a double elimination bracket. It's free to enter. Teams are made up of two…
Sungate Easter Egg Hunt
Join us for the first ever Sungate Easter egg hunt. The Easter Bunny will be hopping by to visit and take photos with your kids. It’ll be a great opportunity to meet neighbors and enjoy lawn…
Neighborhood Garage Sale – April 22-24
It’s time for spring cleaning and what better way to get rid of that extra stuff and make a few bucks than to have a garage sale. The Annual Sungate Spring Neighborhood Garage…
First Halloween Block Party 2021
We are excited to bring back the annual block party in the form of a fall festival. Sungate residents are invited to join us for a spook-tacular afternoon of fun. Bring your lawn…
Annual Meeting & Upcoming Projects
It’s time for the annual Sungate Neighbors, Inc. membership meeting. We hope you will join us to discuss important Sungate business and to hear about all that is going on with your neighborhood…