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  • Remaining Summer Hours

    As we make plans to send the kids back to school and summer draws to a close, we too must prepare for the end of the pool season. Here is the list of…

  • 4th of July Celebration

    The Sungate Pool 4th of July Celebration is a long-running tradition. We start the day with a neighborhood bike/wagon decorating contest beginning at 9 a.m. and then follow with a fire engine led…

  • Construction at the Pool

    As you may know, we are contuniously making improvements to the pool. After all, it is our most valuable asset and a major source of revenue. The Sungate Neighbors, Inc. Board of Directors…

  • Boundary Wall: Research and History

    Due to the on-going discussion about the boundary wall around the Sungate addition, some new ideas have surfaced, and the Board has begun  to develope the fundraising process. We have identified a resident…

  • Seeking feedback regarding the wall

    This survey was developed to gather valuable feedback from Sungate residents regarding which direction to take regarding the neighborhood perimeter wall. Every year, the Sungate Neighbors, Inc. (SNI) spends about $10,000 on repairs…