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  • New Pool Admission Policy

    The Pool Committee is implementing a new admission policy this year. Due to concerns of unpaid swimmers entering the pool and causing overcrowding, SNI is looking at ways to tighten the procedure at…

  • Hot Summer, Cool Pool

    You may have noticed a lot of activity at the pool lately, like what is going on with all the broken concrete and work trucks. It was discovered in the off-season that the…

  • The Heart of Sungate

    Our neighbor and friend, Charles Burkhard passed away on March 15 at the age of 77. He leaves behind his wife, Carol; and his two children Brian and Carrie; and countless friends and…

  • Time to Pay Your Dues

    It’s time to pay your Sungate homeowner’s association dues. The dues remain low at $78 a year, or $6.50 a month. Your annual dues help fund the maintenance of the park around the pool, the landscaped entrances on…

  • Annual Fourth of July Pool Party

      Join us for the Annual Fourth of July Pool Party on Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Bike Parade and Decorating Contest begins at 10 a.m. in the park. Swimming…