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New Pool Admission Policy
The Pool Committee is implementing a new admission policy this year. Due to concerns of unpaid swimmers entering the pool and causing overcrowding, SNI is looking at ways to tighten the procedure at…
Hot Summer, Cool Pool
You may have noticed a lot of activity at the pool lately, like what is going on with all the broken concrete and work trucks. It was discovered in the off-season that the…
The Heart of Sungate
Our neighbor and friend, Charles Burkhard passed away on March 15 at the age of 77. He leaves behind his wife, Carol; and his two children Brian and Carrie; and countless friends and…
Time to Pay Your Dues
It’s time to pay your Sungate homeowner’s association dues. The dues remain low at $78 a year, or $6.50 a month. Your annual dues help fund the maintenance of the park around the pool, the landscaped entrances on…
Annual Fourth of July Pool Party
Join us for the Annual Fourth of July Pool Party on Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Bike Parade and Decorating Contest begins at 10 a.m. in the park. Swimming…