About Us
The pool and park are owned by the homeowners within Sungate.
Generally, SNI has the responsibility to maintain the park, the brick wall around Sungate, the landscaped entrances to Sungate and the other neighborhood maintenance issues as necessary and appropriate. Your annual dues provide the funding for this maintenance. Much of the labor is provided by volunteers.
After the incorporation of SNI (outlines in the Articles of Incorporation), the By-Laws were written. The By-Laws govern the operations of SNI and the Board of Directors in administering the rules and regulations spelled out in both the Articles of Incorporation and the By-Laws.
Historically and currently, none of the money collected for SNI dues is used to support the pool operation, although SNI enforces the policy that any resident who wants to join the pool must also pay the dues to support SNI. The pool is fully supported by pool memberships. Profits from the pool go to support Sungate and are used for neighborhood maintenance and beautification projects. The Board is diligent in its efforts to keep separate the income and expense of both SNI and the pool.